On the southwest side of my little room is a closet that stores my many great things. Clothes, shoes, books, games, movies, cd albums, and other stuff like that. However, it is a complete secret from the world. The only person who has access to it is me. It’s sort of a small little world to myself.

Ever since I moved here 2 years ago before my freshman year of high school, this closet has been my friend. Keeping my things stored in a nice area while being safe from being seen by others. However, it has since become a burden on my ability to talk about the contents of the closet. It’s like once it’s passed the door, it is stuck in there forever.

The contents of the closet have only been growing and growing. Eventually, I saw myself in the closet, unable to find an exit. I tried seeking help, but it didn’t work. I was stuck in my room closet.

One day though, something slipped through the door. Just like that, one of my secrets has exited my own mouth. I told someone about my writing hobby. That was when the first items had finally been taken out.

Afterwards, more things started to leave. However, when one thing leaves, another thing takes it place. Not only am I still trapped in my very own closet, it’s starting to overfill to the point of breaking the door.

That’s when the first cracks of all of my secrets appeared


Date: 10/29/2021

Mental Disorder

The Snails


One Plus Zero