Hello everyone. Please rate the redesigned site on a scale of 0 to 10 rylillion.


Yeah. I changed the site a little bit. I was inspired by nomnomnami's post about neocities to do that. It was done mostly so I can get into the feel of neocities properly because now I have a reason to. Either that or it was to make it more like my own site. I don't know.

A Bunch of Behind the Scenes Stuff

This is where I'll talk about boring stuff.

Nami does not like the default Neocities editor and neither does the next person of importance who I'll get to. I don't know if this is a popular opinion or not in the general Neocities community since these are only two of them. I have been using the default editor (for text of course, like I can't make art on here, not like I would want to) since the start of the site. It's fine and I haven't had any issues with it other than it making files live immediately. The only reason I switched to visual studio was because I was able to figure out how to make changes when I felt like it and not have them be live immediately.

I don't know Chaia is, but she made a post about using git hooks and IDEs to push changes and Nami reposted it which is how I knew about it. It took me a moment to set up. I already had Visual Studio, Git, and Ruby installed from previous things I did; I used VS in a C++ class and Git/Ruby are installed with Jekyll which I was about to use for the IGM Games site before I gave up on that. I just needed to install the Neocities gem and the site. The biggest issue I had with the entire setup was that I couldn't login to Neocities. Apparently, the Neocities gem didn't like my password with special characters so I had to change it then change it back when I got it working. I guess there was something in my password that it didn't like.

So when I got it working, I can finally not make things live as I save them. Kind of like the Github desktop app in a sense, which I use for the aforementioned IGM Games site. It's what I did to withhold the changes until they were ready today. I'll probably take advantage of this further in the future.

Okay, now for stuff you all probably care about.

The Home Page

This page got a facelift! You probably saw the big "Welcome to the Rylie Eric Website" image on your way to this post. I've been thinking about making a logo for myself and LGPlayer13's site pushed me to actually make one during this. You can tell this update has mostly me being inspired from other smalll fun sites. The structure of the page is the same, outside of the addition of Post Types (I'll get to that) and "Friends?" which is basically sites of people who I may or may not have been friends with at one point. The idea comes from my friend's band, The Everfree Forest. They used to be in the About page, but I decided to move them to the Home page and move Socials to About. I also joined a webring so that's there too.

Archive Page

The page is the same outside of the new Post Types pages. This idea once again was stolen borrowed from someone else's site, this time being nomnomnami. It simply exists to make finding posts easier. So if you want to find the one post where I go "i love cheesecake" you can now find it easier in one of the categories.

About Page

If you somehow still don't know who I am after a year plus of reading these posts, the about page can help you more now. Basically I wrote more about myself in a way that explains why I look see boring and why my sexuality bleeds into everything. It doesn't say my sexuality there, but I am pansexual with preference towards femininity. I haven't talked about it until now because nobody needs to know and that includes you. It has my face on there now too. Not my actual face though, that's too much.

Other Changes

There's been a lot of text changes throughout. Mainly corrections. I checked every signle post for them and fix any that I saw. I did keep a lot of the weird or just completely incorrect writing that I did for preservation's sake though (my rant on Pet Simulator still suggests it popularized pets despite another Roblox simulator having done that first). I also went I changed how links worked since it now tested locally.

There might of been other changes but none come to mind. I was about to do embedded games, but I can't get that to work properly at the moment, so I will need to work around that.

Anyway, the site got a redesign and now that I explaind everything, you can go and take a look at it perhaps. My next plan for the site is to finish the currently present Universe pages, starting with the Literally Watch Paint Dry series. There probably will be more after that, but I'm not thinking that far ahead right now.

With that, I will see you all again soon.