
I mentioned back in the October CPR that the Flowers game had to be delayed since I found that the release timing was pretty bad. Two reasons I mentioned were midterms and Gaza (Although people have been focusing on Palestine recently which makes sense since that country isn't benefiting at all from what's going on). For the latter situation, while I haven't been following the news as much as I probably should, I can assume that it hasn't gotten any better based on a quick search on gaza on the internet. Not only that, there are now more places being affected by a genocide. It's crazy.

But back to my game, the only reason why it hasn't been released already is because I have personally been figuring out how to go and actually make it.

Here's something I have never discussed before: I have set rules on how I go out and create things. You may of already heard of some of these rules already if you are a frequent reader here. One rule I am sure I have never shared here before is that an idea must not directly correlate to current real world events. Here's the thing, this is not something I can straight up ignore because of how the game was meant to structured initially, but if I also talk about Palestine and follow it up with why genocide is not good and in fact, very bad, that would violate my own creative code of sorts. These past few months I've been trying to think of way to actually make the new Flowers Game to work with both my creative code and the circumstances that I have to deal with in regards to the two Flowers games.

About 4 months since that October CPR, I have finally figured out how. You guys will just have to trust me on this. (although, I did just say "fuck it, just talk about genocides anyway" in my mind while writing this so who really knows).

The only reason why I wrote this was because people were talking about it on social media (Palestine). Normal content on this site will resume when I finish the next two posts of interest (no date atm) followed by the CPR in February. The 28th thing will not have a post despite what I may of hinted at earlier since I really hate to draw attention away from what everyone else is talking about right now.