Hello everyone. Please send help.


... did anyone else notice that Milk Game got an update recently?

IGM Games Site

Most of my work in August went into the Games Site. Currently, there are 72 of the 217 documented, covering up to Holiday in the old list. There's clearly still work to be done, but progress was great.

(If you want to participate in testing/feedback, just send me a message and I can send you a link to either the discord server, the site, or both)

IGM Games

This was in June, but I never reported it in a CPR: I started an IGM game with meta elements and lesbians. No clue where I was or will go with it, but it was started.

Now to the months covered in ths post, Milk Game's 2nd birthday was coming up so I decided to a fun little thing for it where I released an update, released the lore for the site, and an annoucement of montly updates. It didn't happen... yet. I became busy so 2 of those things were delayed, but the update was released. I might cover it in a post later, but you can see for yourself the new content. The name, Labyrinths, was based off another IGM game called The Lost Labyrinths, which happened to share the same release date, except 1 year later. Maybe play it? I had fun with it.


In terms of the two games, I stalled on the Graudate game due to a writer's block BUT Agent R had a lot of progress in the past two months (subjective but you shouldn't know that).

Agent R is currently planned to be the first work to be released as a pay what you want (it will be free, but you can support it with money if you want). Despite releasing games for free with no monetary gain for the past 5 plus years, I'm doing this as a pay what you want so I could better support my own work. It'll only an option for Agent R though, as well as all other games that release beforehand, so you'll be able to enjoy Agent R for free if you want.

Next Month

Yeah, it's a small CPR. Perhaps this month, there might be more to say, but perhaps there might not. I might make a new twine game based on an upcoming holiday (not Halloween), but I'm debating on it.

I had a series of game content plans which was vaguely shown in an annoucement in my discord server. It went like "🧑‍🎓🥛1️⃣ 3️⃣ 💐🎄". I can't reveal the last two yet but in terms of the other three... Graduate Twine game, 13 game (currently put on hold), and Milk Game.

See you all in November.