Hello people. Yesterday I released a game called Cheesecake. To nobody's surprise, this game was actually just Get a Glass of Milk Because You Have To except (almost) every character was removed other than Milo. I'll get more into it's history and creation later. For now, Creative Progress Report.


I can finally say that Rylie shooting arrows out of nothing is canon.

Literally Everything that isn't Milk Game Related

Since January, I've released a few updates to Ice Cream Fusions. The biggest one was Alpha 2, which added some new flavors and icons. I was originally going to start the 4th anniversary event of the 2019 game it was based off on the 31st, but I decided to go April Fool's mode instead because DashNet (also because I didn't actually finish it yet).

I also started work on a special thing for my 5th anniversary of funny stories on the internet (yes, that thing from yesterday wasn't a joke). Most I can say is that it'll be a bit different from what I have done in the past.

I also did some clean up on the site. The alt text should be more bearable for those that need them, especially on the secret links page. All of works now have been updated to have AgentRylie too as well, with an exception of Get a Glass of Milk Because You Have To

That's it. Everything else beyond this point will be all about Milk Game. Hope you all are ready.

Progress on Milk Game

"If Mochi existed in real life, she would make a great rock." - Cashier

For the first time since December of last year, I worked on Milk Game. This is mainly because of the April Fool's joke I did. I've added a new ending, and I plan to do some more before I release it.

I originally gonna also add a Milo code to Ice Cream Fusions for the joke, but I didn't make the icon associated with the item it was going to give. I want to play other games instead and it would of also ended up in the main game anyway, so I didn't do it.

So what the heck was Cheesecake?

Cheesecake was originally going to actually be a game about the Cashier (Milo) having a relationship on Ray (thus the joke). The idea came from my playthroughs of Miitopia and Tomodachi Life, where in the latter the two actually got together. I planned on making two versions, one called Cheesecake that had Milo's perspective and was made in IGM and the other being called Red Velvet Cake that had Ray's perspective and would of probably been made in renpy. I cancelled this though in favor of other projects though. The April Fool's joke was always planned though and that ended up being released.

I don't remember where the idea came from, but I decided it would be funny to have an April Fool's joke of just removing every Milk Game character except Milo. This meant that I had to rewrite every line of dialog to make it so no other character existed. Of course, there were some exceptions, but for the most part, there were no traces left of the other characters.

Because the joke has some stuff I definitely didn't make, I might as well explain some of the stuff here (because why would I put this in the Extras when it comes out?). I won't explain the self-explanatory stuff though.

Rylie Explains the Joke! (Note: Contains SPOILERS)

First of all, since the totally real game released on the 31st in my time zone and not the 1st, I added a "Happy Trans Day of Visibity" thing in place of what was there before. This wasn't 100% planned since I didn't even knew it was gonna happen that day, but it ended up being a few of the last minute changes I did (the others were just how I was going to post this).

Rye (who appears in a few endings) was a character from Seven. Why she was included in this joke experience is because I found it funny to include her before she was even intended to appear in the game.

Trans masc Zoe (Zoro) was another thing I did. Zoe was another character from something else that was intended to be included in a eventual update. Zoro is not canon though as I just wanted to joke with this idea. If it was though, I'll probably have to explain why Zoe is sometimes Zoro because after this, I'll just be using Zoe in the game.

For the rpg fight in the game, I changed the Milk Bottles to Slimes because someone in the Get a Glass of Milk Because You Have To thread (on DashNet's idle game maker channel) (almost definitely jokingly) thought that The Lost Labyrinths and Milk Game were gonna have a crossover because the two games were released on the same day. This is basically an extention of the joke. The original message was also included in the game.

The Milo ending features Milo (as Zack) saying that he'll leave and watch mochi the rock. Originally I meant to to put bochi instead of mochi (which would of still been spelled wrong still due to the missing c), but I messed up and now I don't want to change it because mochi is a great character name for some reason. This ending also has a mention to "How to Feel Miserable" because funny I guess idk.

Despite not needing to, I went and change all of the Cashier lines as well (except for the Ringo apples one for some reason). Most of these are variants of the lines they are replacing, but there are some new ones. For example...

"Rylie can shoot arrows out of nothing. This is canon."

Despite being April Fool's day, this is, in fact, actually canon. This originated from my Miitopia playthrough where for some reason, Rylie as the Elf class shot an arrow with no bow.

"I'm on break currently thinking about my love. Nothing too important."

This is a reference to Cheesecake which didn't actually release. There was also "Read my new memoir, Cheesecake."

"What's next? Saul commits tax fraud?"

I actually looked it up yesterday to see if it actually happened in the show and yes it does apparently.

"I've finally figured it out. I now know why I shouldn't jump out a window of a 1 story building."

There was a bug in the game where a Leave button would appear in Your House which I assumed was the protagonist jumping out the window. This broke the game though. It was fixed, but I might as well keep the joke going.

"Remember when this production was called "Idle Rising"?"

Idle Rising was what inspired Milk Game a bit. I recently released the game as a prototype as I didn't want to continue to work on it now.

"I can't believe nomnomnami's mmagic system is just picross."

This line was originally left blank when it was first released (just displayed as Cashier:). This slot was originally meant to have the Cashier admit to many things. I didn't like it all that much though, so I removed it intending to replace it later. I then proceeded to forget about it until it was too late. Considering that it was a quick fix, I just added this line above. (Edit (4/2): This message was refering to Charm Studies. Only reason why I didn't mention it when I wrote this was because I mentioned it later.)

In the game code, I also changed the unused Dective Card to have Milo instead of Rohan. Not sure if anyone noticed it, but it was there.

The character bios were mostly joke replacements since Milo was really the only character in this game.

I also changed up the Beans Street Supermarket server for the event. This was mainly just an icon change from the ICF Tier 2 trio to a glass of milk and channel name changes. Below were the channel changes.

And that ends the funny April Fool's joke explanation. I could explain the nomnomnami mentions in Cheesecake, but those are literally just that, mentions. I did skip the Starry Flowers ones though on purpose because I plan on talking about that still.

Next Month

I plan on working some more on Milk Game's update and the 5th Anniversary project. Unlike Cheesecake, these will actually be real releases with real work put into it (hopefully). See you all in May.

Edit (4/15/2024): Spelling and grammar corrections as part of the site redesign.