Hello. I'm back whether you wanted me to or not.

This post is just going to pick up where I've left off in previous posts. CPR for the past few months basically.

First off: Project Love,, the Site Update, and the Untitled Novel ideas

They aren't cancelled. They were just pushed back as I wanted to focus more on real life. They will return, I promise.

The New Game: Ice Cream Fusions

Ice Cream Fusions is based off an old game I made in 2019 which also had ice creams and fusing. The only difference is that this game has pixel art and actually has a slightly better fusion mechanic. Currently, it's in early alpha on my discord server with more content being planned, such as toppings which can boost sale price.

Possible Roadmap for Content

No promises, but I have made a road map that shows when I might release something. I have a bit planned for the next 2 months so there's gonna probably be a delay or something. I don't know. Here's the roadmap though.

That's it

I'll probably post again when the site update happens. See you.