Hello. Grass WILL grow eventually when I finally start writing the thing again.


Cashier: Hey, Rylee. How are you doing in the Trans Representation Jam?

Rylee: It's Pancake Maker all over again because I lost all motivation. It's horrible.

Progress on Stuff

"i have been leaving and entering the supermarket for 10 minutes. i think the cashier wants to kill me." - J

I've released a Milk Game update at the start of June, and have fixed a few bugs since (either in beta only or in the public version as well). THAT'S IT!

Okay maybe that's a stretch since I added more Cashier lines (such as one based off the quote above, just less violent) and worked on a few other things (see following sections).

And I guess I did cancel Pizza Concept.

That Game Jam The Cashier Asked About + Literally Watch Grass Grow

Whether or not you think it's true or not, I was ready to make this game! This sequel would be a first for me in a few ways, including being the first sequel I make. However, an issue from Pizza Concept decided to come back.

If you haven't read the "What Happened?" thing from the Pizza Concept, an issue was that I didn't exactly like the idea of it (at least in the third iteration). In this case though, I DID like the idea. The issue now must be that I've lost any hope of my projects succeeding (or something similar I have no idea), which is something I haven't experienced before.

I did write up to the first set of choices for the player character though. Yes, choices will be a thing in the Paint Dry Sequel. In fact, it'll be a different genre entirely.

This issue has been happening the entire jam, and this point, it's not happening. However, I do want a game out for this jam, so I'll compromise with an older idea that will be easy to make (this idea is not in the feedback form by the way).

Next Month

Narrator: If you don't submit by the deadline, I'll personally come up to you and slap your face, Rylee.

Ignoring my own creation, I've planned on doing a mini redesign for the current Stories tab. You'll see. See you next month.

Edit (4/15/2024): Spelling and grammar corrections as part of the site redesign.