Hello people. Today I'll be introducing a type of post showcasing the progress I've made for one of my goals over the month on the last friday of every month (because that's when I can just easily do one according to me). The goal being writing and releasing the dream project of mine (A novel about things). This will go on until I finally succeed ont this goal, and today will be the first Creative Progress Report. This is more of me thing really to keep track what I did rather than showing things off, but I will still show things off if needed.


This was pretty bad month, in terms of... anything really. I won't describe it here, but I will say that Ummagumma by Pink Floyd disappointed me in two ways and I have no idea how.

Progress on Main Thing (Untitled Novel About Things)

I've decided to sort do a semi-restart on the main plot of the novel. Originally, I had 5 important characters before I reduced it to 3, and changed the plot to accommodate for the change. It was sort of meant to be my thoughts made into a fantasy novel, and my thoughts have changed since the project was started in it's first form back in October. It's not complete revamp of it like the Late-October one or the Mid-November one, but it's a change regardless.

I've decided in the meantime, that I needed to do some work to my writing first before I attempt the large(-ish) scale project, so actual progress probably won't happen for a while. At least one of the characters are going to be in Milk Game V2.

Progress on Other Stuff

Cashier: Yup, I recognize it...

The only thing that actually had a somewhat final form was some dialog in Milk Game, which is good since I don't have to deal with it later. Some old dialog was updated and some more were added, like the above.

Speaking of IGM games that everyone hates for some reason, I've made a Post Mortem on Pancake Maker on January 10th, for it's 2nd year anniversary. It was only posted on reddit, but I'll port it to the site before the month ends.

I've also decided to mess with other engines for once. Twine and Ren'Py were the ones I choose to try out. Twine was hard to work with for what I tried doing, and I didn't anything in Ren'Py. However, I do have an idea with what I want to do, and will try to start work on it soon. Not sure how well it'll go, but I hope it's not gonna end up like Subject (an old project attempt).

Next Month

I literally explained it above. Maybe, I'll actually explain what I'm actually plan on doing.

Of course, I do plan on making a game possibly about time-travel, paper characters fighting each other, or something dumb on either of the two engines I've mentioned. Nothing has been done (except for the small non-final dialog in the first idea), and I do hope I'll do something for the upcoming month.

I guess that's it for the first Creative Progress Report thing. Once again, this month had nothing, but I do hope to make up for it... eventually.

Edit (4/15/2024): Minor grammar corrections as part of the site redesign.